Can Racoons Climb Fences? 6 Fence Ideas to Keep Them Away

racoon climbing fences

Curious about whether raccoons can climb fences? The answer is yes! Raccoons are excellent climbers, showcasing their agility in navigating various obstacles, including fences. The raccoons possess sharp claws and strong limbs that enable them to scale fences, walls, and trees effortlessly.

So, let’s delve into the fascinating world of raccoon behaviors and explore why their adept climbing skills make them quite the elusive and persistent urban dwellers.

Can raccoons climb fences?

Yes, raccoons are skilled climbers and can navigate various obstacles, including fences. Their agile and dexterous nature allows them to climb fences effortlessly, making it important for homeowners to be aware of this capability. Raccoons may use fences as access points to yards or other areas, seeking food sources or shelter.

Why do raccoons climb fences?

Raccoons, known for their agility and adaptability, often climb fences for various reasons.

  • Access to Food Sources: Raccoons may climb fences in search of easily accessible food, such as leftovers in trash cans or pet food left outdoors.
  • Seeking Shelter: Fences provide vertical pathways for raccoons to access potential sheltered areas, like attics, sheds, or garages.
  • Navigating Urban Environments: In urban settings, raccoons use fences as a means to navigate and explore neighborhoods in search of suitable habitats.
  • Escape Routes: When feeling threatened or pursued, raccoons may climb fences as a quick escape route to evade predators or perceived dangers.
  • Territorial Exploration: Raccoons, being territorial animals, climb fences to mark their territories and explore neighboring areas for potential resources.

Which fences can raccoons climb?

Raccoons are adept climbers, and their ability to climb fences depends on the design and material of the fence. Here’s a list of fences that raccoons can potentially climb:

  • Chain-Link Fences: Raccoons can easily climb chain-link fences due to the gaps and footholds provided by the design.
  • Wooden Fences: Wooden fences, especially those with horizontal slats, offer raccoons a surface to grip and climb. Raccoons can jump from one fence to another effortlessly.
  • Wire Fences: Fences made of wire mesh or similar materials can be climbed by raccoons using their claws to grip.
  • Brick or Concrete Block Fences: While less common, raccoons may find ways to climb brick or concrete block fences, especially if there are nearby objects to assist.
  • Metal Fences: Metal fences, such as wrought iron, can be climbed by raccoons using their agility and gripping abilities.

Best fence to keep raccoons out

To effectively deter raccoons and keep them out, choosing the right type of fence is crucial. Opting for a fence that minimizes footholds and offers a smooth surface can help prevent raccoons from climbing. Here are some recommendations for the best fence to keep raccoons out:

  • Smooth-Surfaced Vinyl Fences: Vinyl fences with smooth surfaces make it challenging for raccoons to gain traction, reducing their ability to climb.
  • Electric Fences: Electric fences can be an effective deterrent. Make sure the electric fence is installed properly and follows local regulations.
  • Metal Sheeting on Existing Fences: Adding a metal sheet to an existing fence can create a barrier that raccoons find difficult to climb.
  • Wire Mesh Fences with Electric Wire at the Top: Combining a wire mesh fence with an electric wire at the top can provide an additional barrier for raccoons.
  • Angled Fences (45-Degree Angle): Installing fence toppers at a 45-degree angle outward can make it challenging for raccoons to climb.
  • Wooden Fences with Vertical Slats: Wooden fences with closely spaced vertical slats reduce the footholds available to raccoons, making climbing more difficult.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Raccoon Fence Climbing

Q1: Do electric fences work for raccoons?

A: Yes, electric fences can be effective in deterring raccoons. Ensure proper installation and adherence to local regulations for optimal results.

Q2: Do raccoons dig under fences?

A: Yes, raccoons are capable diggers, so it’s essential to secure the base of fences. Installing an underground barrier or extending the fence below the ground can prevent digging.

Q3: Does liquid fence repel raccoons?

A: Liquid fence repellents can be used to deter raccoons. These products create an olfactory barrier, making the area less appealing to raccoons.

Q4: How to keep raccoons from climbing the fence?

A: To prevent raccoons from climbing, choose fences with smooth surfaces like vinyl, install electric wire toppers, or use angled fence toppers at 45 degrees outward to make climbing challenging.

Q5: How do raccoons navigate through fences with imperfections?

A: Raccoons use their intelligence to identify weaknesses in fences, such as loose boards or gaps. They exploit these imperfections to climb, emphasizing the need for property owners to regularly inspect and address any vulnerabilities.


In conclusion, the question, “Can raccoons climb fences?” is not just a query about their physical abilities but a window into their adaptive behaviors in human-dominated landscapes. Understanding their climbing prowess empowers us to implement effective strategies for coexistence, ensuring that raccoons find fewer incentives to explore our yards and gardens

So, as you ponder the possibility of raccoons scaling your fence, remember, that their climbing feats are a testament to their resourcefulness in navigating the urban jungle.

About Tanya Garg 82 Articles
I'm Tanya, the dedicated raccoon enthusiast behind My mission is to share my knowledge about raccoons through insightful blogs, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for these intelligent creatures. Join me on a journey to learn more about raccoons, their behavior, and the importance of ensuring their safe relocation when necessary. Let's together create a world where raccoons and humans coexist harmoniously and safely.