How Can You Tell How Old A Baby Raccoon Is? Determining Baby Raccoon’s Age

how can you tell how old a baby raccoon is

You can estimate the age of a baby raccoon by observing its physical characteristics, such as fur development and size. Additionally, behavioral cues, like mobility and interaction with surroundings, provide valuable indicators of age progression.

Baby raccoon age determination

Determining the age of a baby raccoon (also known as a kit) can be done by observing various physical and behavioral characteristics. Here are some general guidelines:

Determining Raccoon’s Baby Age By Observing Size and Weight

How big are baby raccoons

Baby raccoons are typically small, weighing 3-4 ounces (85-113 grams) at birth, doubling in size within 2-3 weeks. By 4-5 weeks old, they weigh around 1-1.5 pounds (0.45-0.68 kg), gradually growing larger as they age.

Baby raccoon size

  • Week 0: Born tiny, weighing between 2 and 7 ounces, imagine a small tangerine!
  • Week 3-4: Growth kicks in! Weight increases to 11.34 – 14.11 ounces, with a length of 8-9 inches.
  • Week 5-6: Big jump! Weight doubles to 21.16 – 24.86 ounces, length reaches 11-12 inches. Crawling and exploring their den.
  • Week 7-8: Becoming mobile! Weight doubles again to 31.75 – 39.68 ounces, length is 13-14 inches. Walking, climbing, and exploring further.
  • Week 9-12: Adolescent stage! Weight doubles again to 53.03 – 70.55 ounces, length reaches 15-16 inches. Weaned, independent, ventures outside the den.
  • By year 1: Almost adult size! Weight settles around 176.37 – 352.74 ounces (5-10 kg), length is 20-24 inches. Fully independent and ready for the world.

Baby raccoon size chart

Age RangeWeight (ounces)Length (inches)
Newborn (0-2 weeks)2.12 – 4.944.5 – 6
1 week2.12 – 4.944.5 – 6
2 weeks6.74 – 7.946 – 7
3 weeks11.34 – 14.118 – 9
4 weeks15.87 – 19.409 – 10
5 weeks21.16 – 24.8611 – 12
6 weeks26.46 – 29.0312 – 13
7 weeks31.75 – 39.6813 – 14
8 weeks42.33 – 49.6114 – 15
9-12 weeks53.03 – 70.5515 – 16

Eyes and Ears: 

  • Week 0: Tiny and helpless, eyes and ears sealed shut, relying entirely on mom.
  • Week 3-4: A peek at the world! Eyes slowly open, blurry vision, ears begin unfolding.
  • Week 4-5: Eyes wide open, vision improving, ears fully extended, hears and sees more clearly.
  • Week 6-7: Mastering movement! Walks and climbs, has good depth perception, and hears even subtle sounds.
  • Week 8-12: Fully equipped for exploration! Vision and hearing match adults, weaned on solid food, gaining independence.


  • Week 0-3: Helpless and immobile, clinging to mom for warmth and security.
  • Week 4-5: Squirming begins! Starts shifting weight and pushing off surfaces.
  • Week 6-7: Wobbly steps! Takes first tentative crawls and explores immediate surroundings.
  • Week 8-9: Climbing champion! Masters climbing, navigating obstacles with newfound agility.
  • Week 10-12: Confident explorer! Walks smoothly, runs clumsily, investigates wider environments.
  • Week 13-16: Parkour pro! Runs, climbs, jumps with increasing coordination and speed.
  • By year 1: Agile athlete! Climbs trees effortlessly, chases prey with impressive athleticism.
WeekMobility MilestoneDescription
0-3HelplessClinging to mother, immobile, relies on her for warmth and security.
4-5SquirmingBegins shifting weight, pushing off surfaces with developing muscles.
6-7Wobbly WalkerTakes first tentative crawls, explores immediate surroundings with newfound curiosity.
8-9Climbing MasterConquers climbing challenges, navigates obstacles with growing agility.
10-12Confident ExplorerWalks smoothly, runs clumsily, investigates wider environments with increasing independence.
13-16Parkour ProRuns, climbs, jumps with improved coordination and speed, demonstrating impressive agility.
By Year 1Agile AthleteEffortlessly climbs trees, chases prey with impressive athleticism, fully mobile and independent.


  • Week 0-3: Primarily sleeps and vocalizes for needs, completely dependent on mom.
  • Week 4-5: Starts interacting with siblings, vocalizations become more varied, responds to touch.
  • Week 6-7: Playful curiosity emerges! Explores surroundings, wrestles with siblings, mimics adult behaviors.
  • Week 8-9: Learning by exploration! Investigates objects, tests boundaries, vocalizes excitement and fear.
  • Week 10-12: Social interactions increase! Plays with siblings more actively, learns from mom’s guidance.
  • Week 13-16: Developing independence! Practices foraging skills, interacts with wider environment, becomes more cautious.
  • By year 1: Almost ready to leave the nest! Practices hunting techniques, becomes more territorial, establishes dominance hierarchy.

Fur Development

  • Week 0: Born with fine, downy fur, light-colored with faint hints of mask markings.
  • Week 2-3: Fur thickens, providing warmth and insulation.
  • Week 4-5: Guard hairs start appearing, adding texture and waterproofing.
  • Week 6-7: Mask markings become more defined, fur color intensifies.
  • Week 8-12: Coat continues to thicken and lengthen, reaching adult-like texture.
  • Week 13-16: Full winter coat develops, providing protection from harsh weather.
  • By year 1: Sheds winter coat for a lighter summer coat, fur color matches adult pattern.

Food Habits

  • Week 0-3: Mom’s exclusive milk bar! No solid food yet, focus on nourishment and growth.
  • Week 4-5: First tastes of adventure! Soft, mashed solid foods mixed with milk for gradual transition.
  • Week 6-7: Expanding palate! Kitten formula replaces some milk, tries fruits, veggies, and soaked kibble.
  • Week 8-9: Weaning kicks in! More solid food options like cooked eggs, oatmeal, and minced meat.
  • Week 10-12: Independent eater! Explores various textures and flavors, starts hunting insects and small prey.
  • Week 13-16: Omnivore unleashed! Enjoys fruits, vegetables, insects, small animals, eggs, and even human scraps (avoid sugary treats!).
  • By year 1: Master scavenger! Forages effectively, hunts small prey, enjoys a diverse and balanced diet.
  • If you find an orphaned raccoon and have the permit to feed it, you might be interested in a guide on what to feed baby raccoons.

Baby Raccoon Age Chart

Baby Raccoon Age Chart
Age (Weeks) Size & Weight Fur Development Eye Opening Mobility & Behavior Ear Shape Tail Rings Teeth Development Diet Nesting Behavior
0-1 Tiny, few oz Sparse, very soft Closed Limited mobility, stays close to den Flat against head Indistinct Milk teeth Mother’s milk Stays close to the nest
2-4 Small, growing Developing Partially open Slightly increased mobility, begins to explore Emerging definition Less defined Transition to solid food Transitioning to solid food Ventures out, starts exploring
5-8 Noticeable growth Denser, more developed Fully open Increased mobility, active behavior Erect Pronounced Permanent teeth start appearing Eating solid food Actively exploring surroundings

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Determining the Age of Baby Raccoons:

Q1: When do baby raccoons open their eyes?

A: Baby raccoons typically begin to open their eyes gradually within the first week or two of life. By the third to fourth week, their eyes are fully open, allowing them to see clearly and interact with their surroundings.

Q2: When do baby raccoons leave the nest?

A: Baby raccoons usually leave the nest or den with their mother when they are around 8-10 weeks old. At this stage, they are more independent and capable of exploring their environment under the guidance of their mother.

Q3: How do the feeding habits of baby raccoons change as they grow older?

A: Initially, baby raccoons rely solely on their mother’s milk for nourishment. As they mature, they gradually transition to solid foods, starting with soft fruits and insects before eventually consuming a varied diet similar to adult raccoons. Monitoring their dietary preferences can provide insight into their age.

Q4: What behavioral cues can indicate the age of a baby raccoon?

A: Observing behaviors such as mobility, coordination, and interaction with its surroundings can provide clues about a baby raccoon’s age. For example, younger raccoons may be less mobile and more dependent on their mother, while older ones may show signs of exploration and independence.

Q5: Are there any physical features that change as baby raccoons grow older?

A: Yes, as baby raccoons age, their fur may develop, their ears may become more erect, and their coordination and mobility may improve. These physical changes can help determine their approximate age.


Accurately determining the age of a baby raccoon requires careful observation of various factors, including physical characteristics, behavioral cues, and developmental milestones. whether it’s observing the opening of their eyes, their departure from the nest, or changes in feeding habits, each stage of development offers valuable insights into the life cycle of these fascinating creatures, aiding in their conservation and welfare efforts.

About Tanya Garg 82 Articles
I'm Tanya, the dedicated raccoon enthusiast behind My mission is to share my knowledge about raccoons through insightful blogs, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for these intelligent creatures. Join me on a journey to learn more about raccoons, their behavior, and the importance of ensuring their safe relocation when necessary. Let's together create a world where raccoons and humans coexist harmoniously and safely.