How to Get Rid of Raccoon Under Deck: A Comprehensive Guide

how to get rid of raccoon living under the deck

Dealing with raccoons under your deck can be a common concern, but fear not – there are effective ways to address this issue. If you’re wondering, “How to get rid of raccoon under deck?” you’ve come to the right place.

Raccoons are notorious for seeking shelter under decks, as these spaces provide a cozy refuge for them. The critters may pose a nuisance, leading homeowners to wonder about humane and efficient methods to encourage raccoons to vacate their deck hideouts.

In this guide, we’ll explore practical steps and strategies to help you reclaim your deck from these curious and often pesky visitors.

DIY methods for Raccoon removal from your deck

Ammonia Soaked Rags for Unpleasant Smells

Ammonia or vinegar-soaked rags emit a strong, unpleasant odor that serves as an effective deterrent against raccoons, discouraging them from nesting in specific areas. Regular placement and replacement of these rags enhance their repellent impact.

  • Use ammonia vinegar-soaked fabric.
  • lace in baggies, poke holes.
  • Put it near the raccoon’s space.
  • Be mindful of your pets.

Use of Light

Using bright lights around the deck disrupts raccoons’ nocturnal habits, making the area feel unsafe for them, and ultimately encouraging them to leave. This method leverages raccoons’ aversion to well-lit spaces.

  • Introduce strong illumination.
  • Position near the racoon-prone area.
  • Use during raccoons’ active time.
  • Choose lights without fire risk.

Use Repellents

Natural and commercially available repellents can discourage raccoons from staying under your deck. 

  • Predator Urine: Using predator urine to mimic the presence of a threat, making the area inhospitable for raccoons. Various predator scents are available, strategically placed to create a perceived danger zone.
  • Commercial Raccoon Repellent Sprays: Commercial raccoon repellent sprays contain ingredients that are offensive to raccoons, encouraging them to avoid treated areas.
  • Peppermint Spray and Natural Substances: Utilizing peppermint spray and other natural substances like cayenne pepper, garlic, or citrus peels can act as effective raccoon repellents.

Install Motion-Activated Devices

Motion-activated lights or sprinkler systems can startle raccoons and make them uncomfortable, encouraging them to find a more peaceful location. These devices are humane and serve as an effective deterrent.

  • Use ultrasonic devices or play loud music.
  • Install near raccoon-prone areas.
  • Activate the devices upon detecting raccoon movements.
  • Provides a deterrent without causing harm.

Play Loud Music

Raccoons are sensitive to noise. Playing loud music or using ultrasonic devices designed to repel pests can disrupt their nesting habits and encourage them to relocate.

  • Create a noise barrier.
  • Install near raccoon-prone areas.
  • Activated by raccoon movements.
  • Discourages without causing harm.

Preventive Measures

Taking preventive steps is essential to avoid future raccoon residency under your deck. Consider these measures:

Seal Entry Points

Conduct a thorough inspection of your deck to identify and seal any potential entry points. Raccoons can be surprisingly agile, so ensure there are no gaps or openings that allow them easy access. Use sturdy materials like mesh or hardware cloth to block entry points.

  • Check for potential raccoon entry points.
  • Use sturdy wire mesh.
  • Close off gaps and holes.
  • Ensure a raccoon-proof environment.

Remove Attractants

Raccoons are drawn to food sources, so eliminate any attractants around your property. Secure trash cans with tight-fitting lids, avoid leaving pet food outside, and clear away fallen fruits or birdseed that might entice them.

  • Pet Food: Feed pets in the morning.
  • Clean Leftovers: Be diligent about cleanup.
  • Secure Trash: Use tightly sealed containers.
  • Bird Feeders: Bring in at night or elevate.
  • Hydration Bowls: Empty at night.
  • Recycling Bins: Keep tightly sealed.

Install Hardware Cloth

Installing hardware cloth around the deck creates a barrier that prevents raccoons from accessing the area, as it is durable and resistant to raccoon attempts to tear or manipulate it. This method effectively fortifies the deck against raccoon intrusion.

  • Use sturdy wire mesh to create a reliable barrier, preventing raccoons from entering.
  • Employ hardware cloth to deter raccoons from burrowing under the coop, ensuring a secure foundation.
  • Install hardware cloth strategically to establish a perimeter, safeguarding the coop from raccoon intrusion.
  • Implementing hardware cloth offers a lasting defense against intrusion, providing durable protection for an extended period.

Professional Assistance

If your efforts prove unsuccessful, consider seeking assistance from wildlife control professionals. They can provide humane removal services and ensure that the raccoons are relocated safely and responsibly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Raccoon Removal from Decks

Q1: Why do raccoons choose to nest under decks?

A: Raccoons seek shelter under decks for various reasons, including protection from predators, proximity to potential food sources, and the confined space offering a secure environment for raising their young.

Q2: Are raccoons more active under decks during specific seasons?

A: Yes, raccoons may be more active under decks during the breeding season, which typically occurs between January and September. During this time, mothers may seek secluded spaces like decks to nest and care for their young.

Q3: Can raccoons cause structural damage to decks?

A: Yes, raccoons can cause structural damage by scratching, gnawing, and nesting under decks. Their activities may lead to weakened support structures and compromised integrity if left unaddressed.

A: While using repellents may seem like a solution, it’s important to check local regulations. Some repellents may not be humane or could have unintended consequences, and professional advice should be sought for effective and legal methods.

Q5: What steps should be taken if baby raccoons are found under the deck?

A: If baby raccoons are discovered, it’s crucial to avoid direct contact. Contacting a wildlife professional is recommended, as attempting to handle or remove them without proper expertise may lead to unintentional harm or separation from their mother.


Successfully getting rid of raccoons under your deck involves a combination of preventive measures, repellents, and, in some cases, professional assistance. By adopting these humane strategies, you can reclaim your outdoor space and encourage raccoons to find alternative nesting sites without causing harm to these intelligent and resourceful creatures.

About Tanya Garg 82 Articles
I'm Tanya, the dedicated raccoon enthusiast behind My mission is to share my knowledge about raccoons through insightful blogs, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for these intelligent creatures. Join me on a journey to learn more about raccoons, their behavior, and the importance of ensuring their safe relocation when necessary. Let's together create a world where raccoons and humans coexist harmoniously and safely.