What Can Raccoons Not Climb – 6 Surfaces They Struggle With

what can raccoons not climb

Picture this: You’re a weary homeowner tired of raccoons turning your property into their personal playground. The incessant climbing on walls, fences, and trees has become a nuisance, leaving you searching for ways to regain control of your space. Fear not, this guide is tailored just for you – a comprehensive approach to incorporating things that raccoons cannot climb.

What Can Raccoons Not Climb?

Smooth Surfaces

Raccoons struggle on smooth surfaces due to a lack of traction. Consider incorporating materials like glass, metal, or polished wood in areas where you want to deter raccoons. By limiting their grip, you discourage their attempts to scale these surfaces.

You can use the smooth metal sheets on your wall if you are tired of raccoons climbing the wall near you.

Vertical Barriers 

Raccoons excel at climbing angled structures, but vertical walls are a different story. Invest in barriers that feature straight, vertical surfaces to stump these agile climbers. This simple change can make your property less appealing and more challenging for raccoons.

Slippery Surfaces

Raccoons rely on their sharp claws for grip, so make it difficult for them by introducing slick surfaces. Apply anti-slip coatings or materials on fences, tree trunks, or any areas where raccoons frequently venture. Wet conditions, ice, or dew won’t be as enticing with reduced traction.

Narrow Pathways

Raccoons are adept at navigating thicker structures like trees with branches, but they struggle on narrow surfaces. Opt for narrow poles, thin wires, or install barriers that reduce the available surface area. By limiting their options, you limit their ability to climb.

Electric Fences

If raccoons keep climbing wooden or metal fences then you can use electric fences to create a strong deterrent against raccoons. Install them strategically to protect your garden or other vulnerable areas. The unexpected jolt will quickly discourage raccoons from attempting to climb over.

Metal Conducting  Pipes

Raccoons can climb PVC pipes, posing a potential nuisance for homeowners. An alternative to PVC pipes for deterring raccoons from climbing could be the use of metal conduit pipes. Metal conduit pipes are durable, rigid, and less likely to be easily gripped by raccoon claws. They can be installed vertically on structures or trees to create an obstacle that hinders raccoon climbing. The smooth and metallic surface of these pipes makes it challenging for raccoons to gain a secure foothold, providing an effective alternative to PVC pipes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About What Can Raccoons Not Climb

Q1: What surfaces do raccoons struggle to climb?

A: Raccoons find smooth surfaces challenging to climb due to the lack of traction. Materials like glass, metal, or polished wood limit their grip, discouraging their attempts to scale these surfaces effectively.

Q2: How effective are metal sheets in preventing raccoons from climbing?

A: Metal sheets can be highly effective in deterring raccoons. The smooth and rigid surface of metal makes it challenging for raccoons to gain a foothold, providing a practical solution to discourage climbing on walls or structures.

Q3: How do slippery surfaces deter raccoons from climbing?

A: Raccoons rely on sharp claws for grip, and introducing slick surfaces hinders their ability to climb effectively. Applying anti-slip coatings or materials on fences, tree trunks, or frequented areas reduces traction, making climbing less enticing for raccoons.

Q4: What are the advantages of using vertical baffles to prevent climbing?

A: Vertical baffles create an inclined surface, making it challenging for raccoons to climb. This alternative utilizes the principle of reduced stability on inclined surfaces, providing an effective barrier against raccoon climbing.

Q5: How do narrow poles or wires limit raccoon climbing?

A: Raccoons struggle on narrow surfaces, and opting for narrow poles or thin wires reduces the available surface area for climbing. This limits their options, making it more challenging for raccoons to navigate and scale structures.


Taking back control of your property from raccoons involves outsmarting their climbing prowess. By incorporating smooth surfaces, vertical barriers, slippery conditions, narrow pathways, and the occasional shock factor of electric fences, you can create an environment that raccoons find less appealing. This homeowner’s guide serves as a blueprint for reclaiming your space, ensuring that you can enjoy your property without the unwanted intrusion of these persistent climbers.

About Tanya Garg 82 Articles
I'm Tanya, the dedicated raccoon enthusiast behind racoonpet.com. My mission is to share my knowledge about raccoons through insightful blogs, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for these intelligent creatures. Join me on a journey to learn more about raccoons, their behavior, and the importance of ensuring their safe relocation when necessary. Let's together create a world where raccoons and humans coexist harmoniously and safely.