What Do Raccoons Hate The Most – Top 5 Things That Keep Them Away

what do raccoons hate the most

By knowing what raccoons dislike, we can use gentle methods to make sure they stay in the wild and we can peacefully share our space with them. To keep raccoons away, use strong-smelling deterrents like ammonia or predator urine, place sticky surfaces or jagged materials in targeted areas, and install motion-activated bright lights or high-frequency sound devices. Creating an environment that includes these deterrents helps discourage raccoons and promotes peaceful coexistence.

What do raccoons hate the most?

Raccoons have certain dislikes that can be strategically leveraged for effective deterrence from the trash can, attic, pool and yard. Here’s a concise list of what raccoons hate the most:

Strong Odors

Raccoons have an acute sense of smell, and certain scents can repel them. Strong odors, such as ammonia, mothballs, or predator urine, are known to be unpleasant for raccoons. Strategically placing these odorous substances around potential entry points or areas where raccoons frequently can act as a deterrent.

Loud Noises

Raccoons are generally nocturnal animals, and sudden loud noises can startle and repel them. Consider using motion-activated devices that emit loud sounds or even a radio set to a talk station to create a deterrent effect. However, it’s essential to be mindful of local noise ordinances and the well-being of other wildlife in the area.


Raccoons are excellent swimmers and they enjoy water in hot weather. But in other weather conditions they typically dislike being submerged in water. Installing motion-activated sprinklers or using a hose to spray water when raccoons approach can be an effective way to discourage them from your property. Just be sure not to harm the animals and to avoid water wastage.

Bright Lights

Raccoons are nocturnal by nature and are sensitive to bright lights. Installing motion-activated lights around your property can startle raccoons and make them uncomfortable. This method not only deters raccoons but also enhances the security of your property.

Spicy Flavors

Raccoons have a sensitive palate, and they dislike strong, spicy flavors. Sprinkling cayenne pepper or hot sauce on surfaces or in areas where raccoons are a nuisance can act as a natural deterrent. However, it’s important to reapply these substances after rain or as needed.

What smell do raccoons hate? 

Here’s a concise list of pet-friendly smells that raccoons hate:

  • Ammonia: Raccoons are averse to the strong smell of ammonia, making it an effective repellent when applied in targeted areas.
  • Mothballs: The distinct odor of mothballs is detested by raccoons, making them an affordable and accessible repellent for various spaces.
  • Predator Urine: Scents like fox or coyote urine mimic natural predators, causing discomfort for raccoons and deterring them.
  • Eucalyptus Oil: Raccoons dislike the strong scent of eucalyptus oil, which can be diluted and sprayed in areas prone to raccoon activity.
  • Peppermint Oil: The minty aroma of peppermint oil is a natural deterrent for raccoons when applied in concentrated form around potential entry points.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Raccoons find the spice of cayenne pepper unpleasant, making it an effective deterrent when sprinkled in specific areas.
  • Citrus Peels: The strong citrus scent from orange or lemon peels acts as a natural raccoon repellent when strategically placed.
  • Garlic: Raccoons dislike the pungent smell of garlic, making it an accessible ingredient for homemade repellent solutions.
  • Vinegar: The strong and acrid smell of vinegar can be an effective raccoon deterrent when sprayed in targeted locations.
  • Onion: Raccoons find the sharp odor of onions unpleasant, and placing onion slices or onion-infused water can deter them.
  • Coffee Grounds: The strong smell of coffee grounds is disliked by raccoons, and spreading them around specific areas can discourage their presence.
  • Fish Emulsion: The potent odor of fish emulsion, a fertilizer made from fish remains, can deter raccoons when applied to gardens or other vulnerable areas.
  • Citronella: Raccoons dislike the strong citrusy scent of citronella, commonly found in candles and oils used for pest control.
  • Vicks VapoRub: The strong menthol smell of Vicks VapoRub can deter raccoons when applied in areas prone to their activity.
  • Lavender Oil: The sweet and floral scent of lavender oil is known to repel raccoons when applied in a concentrated form.

What do raccoons hate to walk on?

If you refularly locate raccoons in your yard, you can incorporate these surfaces to keep them away:

  • Aluminum Foil: The feel and sound of aluminum foil are disliked by raccoons, making it an effective deterrent when placed in targeted areas.
  • Spikes or Prickly Surfaces: Raccoons are averse to surfaces with spikes or prickly textures, such as plastic or rubber spikes, discouraging them from walking in these areas.
  • Double-sided Tape: Sticky textures like double-sided tape can be applied to surfaces to create an uncomfortable sensation for raccoons, deterring their movement.
  • Chicken Wire: Laying down chicken wire or wire mesh can make surfaces uncomfortable for raccoons to walk on, acting as a physical deterrent.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Sprinkling cayenne pepper on surfaces can create an uncomfortable sensation for raccoons, discouraging them from walking in treated areas.
  • Sticky Gel Repellent: Applying sticky gel repellents to surfaces creates an unpleasant and sticky texture for raccoons, dissuading them from walking on treated areas.
  • Netting: Installing netting with a loose weave over surfaces can create instability, making it uncomfortable for raccoons to walk on.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About What Raccoons Dislike

Q1: What specific plants do raccoons find unpleasant?

A1: Raccoons generally find plants with strong scents unpleasant. Some examples include marigolds and daffodils. Incorporating these in your garden can act as a natural deterrent, as raccoons tend to avoid areas with such aromatic plants.

Q2: Do raccoons hate bright lights, and how can this be utilized as a deterrent?

A: Yes, raccoons are sensitive to bright lights. Installing motion-activated lights in vulnerable areas can make them uncomfortable and discourage their presence.

Q3: Where can I purchase predator urine for raccoon deterrence?

A: Predator urine can be found at outdoor supply stores, gardening centers, or specialty wildlife control retailers. Additionally, many online platforms offer a variety of options, providing convenient access for consumers.

Q4: Do raccoons dislike certain sounds, and can it be used as a deterrent?

A: Yes, raccoons are sensitive to loud or sudden sounds. Utilizing motion-activated devices that emit high-frequency noises, which are bothersome to raccoons but not to humans, can be an effective method to deter them from specific areas.

Q5: What types of food do raccoons dislike, and how can it be used for deterrence?

A: Raccoons dislike strong-smelling or spicy foods. Incorporating ingredients like cayenne pepper or using garlic-infused solutions in problem areas can act as a natural repellent, discouraging raccoons from foraging in those locations.


Understanding what raccoons dislike is essential for fostering a harmonious coexistence between humans and wildlife. By employing a combination of natural deterrents, such as strong odors, textures, and sounds, it’s possible to discourage raccoons from encroaching on personal spaces without causing harm. From strategically placed predator urine to utilizing bright lights, these methods offer humane and effective ways to minimize conflicts.

Emphasizing respect for these intelligent creatures and utilizing eco-friendly approaches ensures a balanced approach to wildlife management, allowing both humans and raccoons to share and thrive in their respective habitats.

About Tanya Garg 82 Articles
I'm Tanya, the dedicated raccoon enthusiast behind racoonpet.com. My mission is to share my knowledge about raccoons through insightful blogs, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for these intelligent creatures. Join me on a journey to learn more about raccoons, their behavior, and the importance of ensuring their safe relocation when necessary. Let's together create a world where raccoons and humans coexist harmoniously and safely.